Sunday, September 2, 2012

So we are really slow. . .

I think Evie looks so much like Libby as a baby in these pictures. Now I just need to scan a picture of Libby so you can compare. But don't hold your breath it has only taken me 3 years to post anything on the family blog.
This is the closest thing we have to a family photo. And probably will be for some time to come.

Jess just loves being wherever the baby and I are. It's cute.
Ok and an old one when she was soo tiny. And her hair still laid flat.
And an even older one. But this was such a sweet day looking at all of the tulips. I was super pregnant, I think I went into labor like a week after this. Good times.


James said...

yea! a post from tracie! super cute babes. evelyn's hair redefines cowlick, or she is sporting the same style as jef from the bachelorette.

Wynn said...

Nice post! Before I read the captions I was looking over James shoulder and said, u know Evelyn looks like Libby to me. So I see it. She's a cute title baby and I want to hold her

Emy said...

Way to go Tracie! I'm so glad you posted. Your baby girl is so pretty! I think she looks like Dane too. I love your family picture. We miss you guys