Wednesday, May 23, 2012

maine--we will remember you!



Can you believe these silly gowns and hats?

Best part of the trip to Maine (not the ceremonies)--the beach, and the bagels!


MomCan said...

Thanks for the post, I wish we coud have been there for ALL of it, especially the beach and bagels, throwing rocks with Acadia etc. LOVE YOU guys. Have fun with the Brashers and Cannons. Sounds like heaven to me.

MomCan said...

Wait, wait a minute, is that really Wynn in a....Jacket? Looks great, love the dress, nice going on that Wynnie.

Libby said...

This is making me miss you guys in Maine - those were good times.

Libby said...

ps james looks about 12 years younger "post"

Emy said...

Ah I love these photos. Good-bye Maine!!!!!! Love you guys