Tuesday, May 1, 2012

the end of an era...

a tropical end to four years of medical school...whata senior trip!
here's panama city. it has an impressive skyline. looks like miami. below are some neat churches in the old city area. sorry pics are poor, i left my good camera and used a fogged up iphone camera.
we spent three nights camping out in the jungle. (those noise makers with jungle noise are real--its loud!)
these guys owned the jungle. the leaf cutter ants seemed to be one of the hardest working animals on earth. probably the neatest thing i saw out there.
at this lake we saw a big crocodile in the water, around 8ft in length! can you spot em?
we spent a night on a uninhabited island in the isla perlas island region 1.5hr south of panama city. this island, moga moga, was apparently where 3 episodes of survivor were filmed.
wasn't a bad camping spot, quite a view!

had great shells everywhere, maybe cuz nobody combs the beach? we saw dolphins on the ferry back. saw neat stuff snorkeling too. got stung by jelly fish. well this post is already too long, so i might as well list the animals seen: two toed sloth, crocodile, howler monkey, capuchon monkey, tityra (bird), multiple species of hummingbird, dolphin, parrotfish, keel billed toucan, colorful butterflies, big lizards on island, frigatebird, brown pelican, snowy egret, brandt's cormorant, blue cotinga (bird), plus coyote, jack rabbit, bald eagle, red tail hawk in new mexico

below are some of the pics of the more practical part of my 4 week wilderness, tactical, improvisational, international medicine rotation. we spent several nights up red mountain pass in colorado (11,500ft) doing snow safety/avalanche/altitude medicine. other highlights from the trip: survival weekend (firestarting, animals snares, orienteering, shelter building, tracking, etc.); urban survival involving being handcuffed duct taped mouth and pillow put over our head and forced to escape "burning" building and then travel 6 miles across town in 3 hours to meeting point without being caught by "hunters" and only a dollar in your pocket; hypothermia lab where we buried each other in snow in swimsuits (50 min) and then tried different rewarming techniques; mountain rescue where we intubated, defibrillated, extricated wilderness victims; and learning about tropical infectious diseases...and much more. it was quite a rotation, and the best way to finish out med school!

special thanks to wynn and acadia for holding down the fort while dad played!

more pics on the twitter feed: https://twitter.com/#!/mountainmed

1 comment:

Emy said...

You are a lucky rascal. Congrats to you and yours for finishing med school! I can't believe it!!!!! You guys are so great. And Wynn made it, way to go Wynn! Thanks for sharing these pics, I always read this blog, although sometimes it takes me a while to get around to it, Ben too!